Well a new year started today and I had a peaceful day of quiet reflection.
2009 was a year of new beginnings. Our church was called to fast and we will be fasting again this year. I found while fasting prayer is more intimate. God is always there but when we fast He seems closer. Being a Mom, maintenance super, and wife quiet time with God is very important to me.
I have embarked on a new journey. Studying and preparing myself for the new small group starting up again this month.
We will be teaching creation using Ken Ham's 12 DVDs. We will cover topics like " Was the world created in 6 days and why it is important, If Adam and Eve were the only two people created then who was Cain's wife?, Where there really dinosaurs and what happened to them...We are very excited to be called to teach on this subject.
We give all the credit to the creation scientists for doing all the work and allowing us to use it to further the education of people in our community.
Life lessons this year include "think before you speak, Pray while you are thinking, pray some more then do not speak. Meditate on what God has shown you, speak to your pastor, then speak. Not everyone thinks first, and sometimes people give God credit for things He has nothing to do with.
I am sure God would never tell you anything contrary to His word. If you are thinking of dating a guy...lets say who has recently left his wife(or at least that is what he told you) He is still married. Leave it alone. God has better for you.
If you meet a guy on the Internet and you do not really know him...Use your head, he can tell you whatever he wants to on the computer, or phone. All you know is what he has told you. Find out who he is before you start planning your life with him. He could be Married, he could be a rapist or he could just be a lonely guy not looking for anything but....Well you get the picture. He can say or be anything he wants. God has better for you.
If you had to lie for any reason to get what you thought God wanted you to have, stop it. If it was of God you would not have to lie. God has better for you.
People are not always what they seem. A lot of good people get used and did not know it was happening until the user was long gone.
We have to reflect, forgive, thank God for the learning experience and keep moving forward.
I do not sit here pretending to have all the answers. I am just a lowly human just like you with flaws and sin.
Only you and God know the real truth.
God never lies.
God never changes.
His word is always truth.
Yes I learned a lot this past year about the true nature of people. I need to gird myself with the armor of God and head out into the world trying not to judge, or point out others shortcomings, focus on me and mine because Gods Got it!