Jane of all trades

Lover of life. Enjoy coffee and good conversation. Some people say I am funny. Sometimes talk too much. willing to try new things, though this is a new characteristic discovered recently.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

10 things I have learned this year

  1. How to change a ballast in a florescent light
  2. If you set your mind to it and Pray a lot you can do all things with Christ who strengthens us all
  3. You don't have to be afraid of heights (only the sudden stop)
  4. fire ants are prolific (will probably take over the world)
  5. how to wire a three way switch (using a schematic)
  6. how to fix a chain link fence (after the landscaper breaks it)
  7. how to change a meter cartridge in a sink faucet
  8. how to use a 10ft. ladder and a 25 ft. pole to change a light bulb (need photo)
  9. How to build scaffolding
  10. all screws are not created equally, some are galvanized, some are stainless steel , some are blue, and they all have a purpose.
We all have a purpose and when God puts you in a place that seems totally foreign, unlike a screw we can adapt to our surroundings. Try new things and do things you never thought you could. This job has been an adventure. I have listed the top ten things I have learned because if I tried to write them all down it would just take too long and make this blog more boring than it already is.

1 comment:

bryan mcgee said...

This is your best blog post yet. I am so proud of you. Let's go take this city!