Jane of all trades

Lover of life. Enjoy coffee and good conversation. Some people say I am funny. Sometimes talk too much. willing to try new things, though this is a new characteristic discovered recently.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Love this season

Yesterday I had the pleasure of shopping for a nine year old girl. The PTO sponsored a child for Christmas, So shopping yesterday was even more enjoyable. All she had on her list was a Bike. Wow...in an age when children seem to want more she only had one thing on her list and we made sure she got it. I was so excited to drop it off at the school today. I wish I could know who this child is just to see the look on her face when she gets it:-). This year we decided as a family we would only get one thing for each child. We are trying to put the focus on giving and not receiving. Not to mention this is supposed to be the giving season. We get to celebrate this wonderful time because of the ultimate gift giver....GOD. He gave us his Son, a way out, a Savior, our King who took the punishment for us so we could be saved. I can remember when I finally got that. So for you I will explain it like this. God was up there in Heaven looking down here and shaking his head. He probably thought "well I can't flood them out again...I promised" I will go there my self as Jesus, live a perfect life, set the example, and then let them torture me till I am dead, raise up again in three days, explain all of this to a few and maybe, just maybe, they will get it." God loves us so much he came, suffered, died and rose again to prove it. He does not want to punish us, he loves us.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Class is almost finished

I have two classes left. It has been a great time for me. I have learned to do things and fix things I never thought possible. This has been a great year. Because of my position at Rock Church
I am taking a class that has stretched me even further, Mentally and physically, I have learned how to troubleshoot simple electrical problems, learned how a small (2cycle) engine works and how to troubleshoot simple problems. It seems there is a priming button and it is important to use it when starting a small engine, being careful not to prime too much or it still will not start. Andy has been very helpful and explains everything clearly and if you have a question he usually has the answer and if he doesn't he will find the answer for you and make sure you understand it completely. I believe he is a blessing to Cape Fear community college and his students. I have discussed with my husband about taking the woodworking class next month. I have discovered I like working with power tools. In this class I created a box with a raised panel lid and dovetail joints. I can't wait to put the final coat of finish on it. I had some help and it is very nice.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lovin Life

I know it has been a while but I have been too busy.
  • The PTO fall festival was a hit
  • The class I have been taking at Cape Fear has been fun and informational, I am thinking of taking another. (wood working)
  • Thanks Giving was a great day. Too much food and friends to share it with.(Seven kids in the house was a challenge) The company was a nice change of pace.
  • My tree is up and decorated!(thanks to Ross' persistence)
  • I can now start the Weed trimmer by myself!(It seems there is a primer button)
  • The concert for C.A.R.E. is Friday night at Rock Church, I have a list of things to finish before the week is out.(And of course it is raining today)
  • PTO meeting tonight(still have to do power point)
  • Read a book. It was very informative. (That is all I can say about that)
  • Evidently listening is a skill you must practice.(I am getting better)
  • As for that talking......? well I am working on it.
God is so good. I know I don't need to tell most of you that but He is. He is all the things His word says, Kind, patient, loving, caring, gentle and God will never leave you nor forsake you. He created us to reflect His likeness in the earth. So do something today to reflect God's likeness to someone. Let them get in front of you in traffic, or at the grocery store, you know general acts of kindness. See what happens and keep it between you and God.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Yes I am a PTO MOM. I am the co-president for RPPS in Rocky Point there are two of us because it is too much for one person. We are about to have our annual fall festival and the days are few. I am a little stressed. Not too much. I mean we can only work with what we have right? Donations are what make this possible that and parents who volunteer to help us. I want every parent at RPPS to know you are appreciated. Thank You Thank You. Donations are already rolling in. Thank You as well to Food Lion for their generous donation of cakes for the cake walk as well as Christy's restaurant in Wilmington for the whipped cream donation. I hope to get you all some pictures as soon as we are done.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Learn, Love , Live

LEARN: Well I certainly have learned this year. I can not remember a more productive year for me or my self esteem. I give my wonderful husband a lot of credit. Because of him I have learned how to do things I never would have thought I needed to. Because he works and I work we have to share the load at home and THAT has made me become less dependent on him and more determined to do things myself. The feeling of accomplishing something you never thought possible is indescribable. I have learned more this year than I have in a very long time. I have been going to this class to help me with my JOB and the Teacher Andy seems very knowledgeable in all areas of maintenance. No I have not been working on my writing skills or painting for fun but I feel like I can make a difference here. By learning new skills I will be able to help even more people in my community. I can not go into all that now though.
LOVE: What can I say it is not easy to keep. I have been in love with my Husband for 13 years and can not imagine being without him. I choose to love him, not because he is super romantic, because he is not! Not because he buys me lots of things, cause he don't, but because he knows when I feel bad and because he listens. He really listens even when I don't think he is....He is! That is amazing to me. We are coming upon our 10th Anniversary Nov. 7th and It feels like we just met yesterday. Time really does fly the older you get. We promised to love and cherish each other for better or worse and I believe I got the better deal. I can be difficult....
LIVE: Live out Loud, (that is a song). In everything you do, do it to glorify God. Learning, Loving and Living. Keep your eye on the One who truly matters and the rest is Cake. Live like there is no tomorrow, not by waisting but by giving, not by hording but by sharing, and when you think you have given all you can, give a little more and you will be blessed.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Help Her WIN!!!!!

PB has bee pulling for this girl ,Paige
She has been working on this feeding the starving and malnourished children. If American Express loves her Idea she could win One Million Dollars for her cause. She has made the top 5 already. So click this link
and help her win. Oh go to this link
and check out Pastor B's video. He told this Paige if she won he would dance. He decided to do it now in hopes of her winning. Check it out.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


OK, I started this class about 4 weeks ago and what a blast. I have
  1. Learned that there is a right way and a wrong way to wire a GFI outlet
  2. Learned that wiring a three way switch requires you use all your resources available to figure out which line is LINE and which line is LOAD, evidently that does make a difference
  3. There is a right way and a wrong way to put shingles on a roof.
  4. There is a right way and a wrong way to hang a door
  5. There is a right way and a wrong way to put in a replacement window
  6. There is a right way and a wrong way to apply flashing to a chimney and vent pipes in your roof
Are you starting to notice a pattern?
7. There is a right way and a wrong way to prune a tree
8. There is a right way and a wrong way to MOW! ( yes exclamation Point) That one caught me off guard.
9. There is a right way and a wrong way to spray buff a floor
and last but not least......
10. There is a right way and a wrong way to speak to people

Are you shocked by that? I was when I first heard it. I always thought if someone did not like what I said or how I said it for that matter then that as their problem. (WRONG!) What you say and how you say it can have either a good result or a very poor one. I have had to ask God to help me in this area of my life. I have always been one to say whatever I wanted and did not realize the trail of destruction I was leaving behind.
The Bible says our tongue is like a two edged sword out of our mouths comes LIFE and DEATH. Our words can cause people to Rejoice, Cheer, Cry, Hate, Love, Our words cause people to feel, Good and Bad.
So my advice today say something GOOD. Do the right thing and be aware of the wrong thing and Make it a Great Day!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

10 things I have learned this year

  1. How to change a ballast in a florescent light
  2. If you set your mind to it and Pray a lot you can do all things with Christ who strengthens us all
  3. You don't have to be afraid of heights (only the sudden stop)
  4. fire ants are prolific (will probably take over the world)
  5. how to wire a three way switch (using a schematic)
  6. how to fix a chain link fence (after the landscaper breaks it)
  7. how to change a meter cartridge in a sink faucet
  8. how to use a 10ft. ladder and a 25 ft. pole to change a light bulb (need photo)
  9. How to build scaffolding
  10. all screws are not created equally, some are galvanized, some are stainless steel , some are blue, and they all have a purpose.
We all have a purpose and when God puts you in a place that seems totally foreign, unlike a screw we can adapt to our surroundings. Try new things and do things you never thought you could. This job has been an adventure. I have listed the top ten things I have learned because if I tried to write them all down it would just take too long and make this blog more boring than it already is.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I also have 2 Grand Daughters

Yes I have 2 Grand Children. Jocylyn 1year old, May 25th and Lillanna 1yr old July 12th.
My Daughter and her significant other have a beautiful little girl, She attended the wedding. In these pics she is dancing for Grandma. Pictures of Lilly on my next blog.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Rocks got Talent.

does have talent. The children played the cello, sang and did comedy. One family sang a beautiful song together, they were very good. We had a "metal band" called "Carry the wounded" They rocked the ROCK. I think the jury is still out on that one. The supremes showed up, oh, the MC's where funny too. I don't know what kind of brain you have to have to think up some of that stuff but PM
and Don have that kind of brain. I like to call it "ABBYNORMAL" Anyway it was a fun evening. By the way My son McKinly came in tying for third with the cellist. He did a stand up comedy routine. He did not write the stuff he Used Tim Hawkins, but he nailed it. Maybe soon he will write his own after all he is only 11.
We have been celebrating our 20th anniversary here at the ROCK and the transition of Senior Pastor. The video Carolyn
created was beautiful. The perfect song, perfect photos, She is a true creative artist/producer/lighting designer/director. then of coarse you can not forget the ROCK's Own worship leader.....David Pray. The worship team is wonderful. The way Holy Spirit is ushered into the service every week. I believe true worship can not be faked. Our House is filled with the Holy Spirit every Sunday coaxed in by the worship of this house, band, and Church Family....coming together in Unity with one voice and it is ALL about Him.
Thank You God for loving us. Thank you for saving us, Thank you for Dying so we could live. We Love you Lord.

Friday, August 29, 2008

So much to do, So little time.

This has been a busy week for all of us here at the ROCK
We have been preparing for the 20th anniversary bash as well as welcoming our new Senior Pastor, Pastor Bryan
The Rocks got talent show is tonight and McKinly will be doing stand up comedy. He is 11 and very funny, (at least I think so.) It will be a lot of laughs with the hilarious skits, Great music and beautiful dance. The ROCK does have talent. Everything from the lighting and producer to the kids with their own bands. It will be something you will not want to miss.
Any way I still have plenty to do as well so by for now. Check out the links for more information on the Rock our vision and what we are doing in this community.

More Wedding Photos

I hope you like these. Yes there was a bride. Isn't she beautiful.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I wanted everyone to see these pictures. I was surprised at how well the guys looked in their black and red suits. I tried to get a little artsie with the hats and shoes.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Well it is done

My biggest boy is married. I will get pics to ya'll soon. It was beautiful and they looked happy. My baby girl is upset with me because I had the nerve to spend most of my time with E.J. I told her it was his weekend. He is getting married and leaving for Iraq in December. I told her "I Love you but this weekend is about E.J. and Christina. They are now Mr. & Mrs. Edward John Hurley Jr. Congrats. My prayers will be with you both.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Son is getting Married

Yes my 21 year old son is getting hitched Sat. We are all going to the event in Maryland. I am excited and sad. His girlfriend is infatuated with him and seems to adore everything about him. I wish I had a photo for you. Anyway They are happy together and are working well together. I love them both and wish them all the happiness in the world. I'm not pleased with the suits picked for the guys, but then it is not my wedding is it. A smart man said to me yesterday while I was complaining about the suits, "They will look back in 10 years and wonder why they picked those" and " If they are getting married then isn't that the bigger picture". Duh reason to celebrate.Thank You Mr. Milton.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Geese are back!!!!!!!!!!

Good Morning everyone, I say everyone I do not know how many of you there are. Any way Yes I saw Geese in the parking lot 2weeks ago Sunday and again on Mon. The other day I saw 14 of them and the Goose fence I used to keep them away has to be reinstalled. Silly me I thought once they had made nests and laid eggs that would be it for the year. Guess what, the babies are now looking for a good home to raise their young. OH Well.... Here go'es back to the ponds to put up the fence.

Monday, August 4, 2008

My Boys are Growing up

Ross and McKinly were baptized today How exciting. They have taken the next step in their journey with Christ. McKinly has been baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of tongues and has a deep spiritual relationship with God. He is much more mature than his 11 years. He has an insight most children do not poses. Ross on the other hand is very artistic and quiet. He enjoys his alone time. Ross is also kind of a risk taker. God has saved him several times this year alone. I am so proud of them. I can not wait to see what God has in mind for them. Daddy could not be here today but I thank God he is able to work and he has a job. The economy being what it is today. Any who....... I love the lord and I love my children. I love Pastor Matt for taking pics and Pastor B for posting them so I could use them too.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Hello everyone

I have been sooooooo busy! Pastor Bryan has been reading my mind again. You know how it is when you go to Church and the pastor says stuff like he has been reading your personal journal. 
If your a parent. Volunteers are needed for everything. So far this year I am the PTO co- President, Team MOM for football, not to forget organizing my own volunteers for the church's Building and grounds team, oh ya remembering to contact all parents and volunteers so they won't think the only time they get a phone call from me is when I want something. That last thing is important. I really do not want the only time I call someone to be when I need something. I love all my Volunteers and Parents. 
God Has not Been very high on my priority list lately maybe because everything has been going so well. I do not think I have even said thank you to Him. I really struggle with the whole only call on someone when you need them. It's not just God but even the people who so graciously give their time to me when I do call for that "one little thing". I have made a consciouses decision to make contact with people to let them know I really do care about them. I had one conversation last week and I reassured the person I did not need anything and after a little while talking I was getting the feeling the person I was talking to was waiting for the "BY THE WAY" part of our conversation. I reassured her I did not need anything from her or her husband and that I was saying hi and keeping in touch.  God won't think this way. He just waits and says "I knew you would be back."
I have always had the best intentions when starting to build relationships but they never seem to take off. The same is true with GOD. He has always been there when I needed him to talk to, cry to, whine to, complain to, pray to,... when I remember,  and I have only done it as an after thought. "WOW" I know I know but I also know He knows my heart. Thank You God for knowing what terrible people we are in the flesh. Thank You for sacrificing your Son for us.
You know most of us have to mess it up until it is so completely jumbled we can not remember how it started and THEN call on YOU. 
So a few weeks ago I decided to make the effort and stay connected with my Parents and Volunteers. Thats right I said Parents and volunteers not God,  and get this I do not think besides devotionals at work I prayed but for a few people and was not just thanking God for all he has done for me and my family. I want to grow my relationship with my father I really do,  I just need to do It.
Thank You Holy Spirit for leading PB in this direction. I will devote more of my time to YOU. Thank You PB for listening to Holy Spirit. This last few weeks have been good for me. I am growing in ways I never dreamed.
I have laid down some things....... I will not go into that but Thank You.
Even when we take Him for granted and He remains there waiting for us to come back. He is smiling and waiting with open arms and reassurance glad we took the time to call him. Remember The promise he made after the flood. He did that for our good but it hurt him to punish all of mankind but because he never wants to have to do that again He made a promise and Gods Promises are forever! GIVE HIM SOME OF YOUR TIME TODAY!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Let's Give em somethin to talk about!

  • Praise and worship is amazing.
  • Kids Rock is jammin,
  • Wee rock is growing,
  • Healings are taking place,
  • Volunteers are steppin up,
Wow, that is all I can say. How can you possibly describe God. There are no words in the English language that can describe what is taking place, not just here @The ROCK but all over the world. God is moving in a mighty way. Anyone with eyes can see that. Churches all over the place are growing exponentially. God is on the move. What are you doing to help? Are you plugged in @ your church or are you a pew warmer? When was the last time you got excited at church? God is doing something and I can't wait to see what 's going to happen next.
What can you say to get people talkin about What amazing things God is doing around your community? The point is to say something, Give God the glory and the highest praise. Lean not to your own understanding, and hang on because the best is yet to come, corny...maybe, but Jesus loves me anyway.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well last week was extraordinarily busy.
Sun - Took Mac to Va. for a summer enrichment camp @ Ferrum College, 4 and 1/2 hours each way.
Mon. - Came to work after getting up late, because of the long day on Sunday, rushed my morning and had to stop to get some really bad coffee. Can some one please get it right? It is only coffee. One good cup that is all i need. Not a lot to ask folks.
Tues. - Things are looking better. Not a lot to do this week.
Wed. - Starting to think about this weekend and the long drive back to Va. Miss my Son whom I have just realized has been gone for 3nights and four days. He has called collect twice because he misses us, But assures us he is having fun.
Thurs. - Last day of Work tomorrow is the fourth. Have to clean my house, Family coming in from all over the United states and someone may need a room.
Fri - Still cleaning my house. Tony went to help set up for the Annual Friday evening Fish Fry. We had to leave early because..... U guessed it back to Va. to pick up Mac.
Sat. - Got up at 4:00am to head out on our 4 and 1/2 hour trip. The little ones slept all the way. The rain held off most of the way. And less than half way back get a call because the family needs help. Yes they know we are out of town. No there is nothing we can do about it. See ya when we see ya.
The Shiloh Crew did an amazing Step routine and that gave me an Idea for the Rock's got talent. Ross played his drum solo. Decilla and her team stepped out a routine for Daddy Mac and Sis. Fun was had by all and we left early because we were exhausted. LOOOONG weeek. Love you all. Whew I am glad that week is over.
Now the Different and new.
Sun.- My son is growing and reaching new goals for himself. Staying so far away from home is a big step for a young Man.
Mon. - Made it to work on time. Thankfully I was not busy. Someone Made a pot of coffee that was drinkable yeah!
Tues.- Changed a light bulb. Not too bad. I am getting good at it.
Wed. - Started my house, vacuumed behind the fridge, in the room where the furnace is and that may make my light bill even lower. The light bill and phone bill came and where Lower than I expected.
Thurs. - Went tanning and had some me time after work because the rest of my weekend is shot.
Fri.- Laundry, Laundry, Laundry. I like doing that so it is good, maybe not different and new but good.
Sat.- Got up early saw the Sun rise for the first time in ages. Beautiful. I Strongly suggest doing this once in a while just to remind yourself that we have no idea what God is doing. And take time to thank him for his grace and mercy on our little insignificant lives.
Sun. - Dave and the Rock group had a spirit led worship service worthy of praise. God was tapping his feet, clapping along and smiling down saying "Thank you all. You have blessed me this morning." (use your imagination) I know I am not God and I would never presume to know what He might say or do at any given moment but for fun sake just imagine.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

10 things that are growing

I have to say something is happening.
  1. Our church The ROCK is growing, I here this is unusual this time of year
  2. The giving spirit is growing, People are giving of there time and resources more
  3. I am growing, Spiritually
  4. My Children, growing daily!
  5. Our Children's Ministry, Growing
  6. Hand Up Out Reach, Growing. We are feeding more and bringing more, and clothing more of needy than ever.
  7. Grounds Team, Growing I now have 25 volunteers.
  8. Office team, Growing
  9. Flip Side, Growing- Way to go PM. You have a way with our youth.
  10. Gods Kingdom, Growing well it must be. Pastors are teaching that God Loves us all. Every tribe , nation, and tongue Equally. More people are finding Jesus. More people are telling about Jesus and so on and so on........
All of these things are connected to Our Church Family. God is doing something Big in Southeastern North Carolina. If you look and not so hard you can see it happening.
Go to church and not just any church, a church that is growing and see what God is doing.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Box Tops!

Hello Parents, Once again we are getting ready for the new school year. We are hoping 2008/2009 will be very productive.
Last year we accomplished a lot.
  1. New balls for all class rooms
  2. New swings for the play ground
  3. Fall festival was a huge success
  4. The art fund raiser brought in a good amount of money
  5. Lolli Pop Fri. was ok. This year we need to really promote these
  6. T-shirt sales were up and this year we will have another new design. We will only do pre orders. In the past we have had to eat a lot of shirts and we can not afford to have that happen. By doing Pre orders we will only order what we need and I will try to do an Order after school starts. Order forms will be available the first day of school and you can turn them in Sept. 9th at the First PTO meeting wich will be at 5:00 pm till 7:00 pm.
  7. For the first Pto meeting we will also be preselling plates for dinner. Save you time and money. Order your food and it will be ready for you when you come. Fellowship and food till 6:00pm them the meeting will start promptly at 6:00pm.
  8. There will be a surprise as well. You will not want to miss this. So make sure you mark your calenders. For Sept. 9th 5:00pm

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PTO Blues

I have recently become the PTO CO-President, yes there are two of us, And upon my first meeting with the Principle have discovered I'm not as nice as I could be or that apparently I don't ask for help enough.

As last years secretary I felt I could not do enough. I wanted to help more. I called every parent who took the time to fill out a connection card and who's phone still worked at least 5times last year. I asked for help all the time. Don't get me wrong I love volunteering at my children's school, I even like interacting with most of the parents. I promise to try to do better. I told the principle I would be so sweet when I leave she will have a tooth ache.lol.

Anywho the new school year has not started and I am already having to defend myself. Oh by the way I was voted in. So who is this minority of people who say I'm not asking for help, or that I'm mean.

Know What?.....doesn't matter. I am not there for them I am there for my son and his friends to try to make this school a better place.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Great Job Grounds Team!

We had a great day!
  • 7 Volunteers showed up ready to get their work on.
  • Many Many Shrubs & bushes were pruned.
  • 12 Crepe Myrtles planted down both sides of the side driveway.
  • 6 Rose bushes dead headed and cut back.
  • Dead trees and shrubs pulled and new ones put in their place.
  • Fertilized all new plants and some smaller older ones.
All of this was finished in Two hours! Way to go team.
You all impressed me so much. It was a pleasure getting an opportunity to work with and get to know each of you better. I can not wait until the next beautification Celebration. I hope to do this 4 times a year. You are all wonderful and understand the object of team work. The grounds are looking better and better. Thank you for serving.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Land scapers Come!

Next Wednesday here at the ROCK we will be doing some more work to improve the view what I like to call " Beautification Celebration ". This will be a time of fellowship and unity. We will all work together to achieve a common goal. Everything will be ready for you when you get here. We will tackle the trees in the back yard as well as the bushes along the back perimeter. I would like to plant at least 12 Crape Myrtles along the driveway. This will be a sight to behold. Of course mulching is involved. The day- Wed. June 18Th, Time 5:00pm till 7:00pm hope to see you there. Snacks and drinks provided.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mom Aaaahhhhhggggg!!!

Well it finally happened, My baby boy Cass has crossed into the realm of " it is too embarrassing for Mom to kiss me in front of my friends " Yep I bent down to kiss his little head and he firmly placed his hand out to stop me while yelling "MOM AAAHHHGGG! " A little taken aback I said " OK " gave him a small pat on the head and walked away shocked. Cassius is the last of 5 children and he is stepping into the next phase of boyhood, no affection from MOM. Oh well I knew it would happen sooner or later, I just did not expect it today. I almost lost it. But I'm cool, I'm Tough, I can take it. Well on to the next phase whatever that may bring I will be ready because I look forward to different and new. God is my strength and with him I can do all things.(may not like all things) but will do them just the same.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Fridge on the fritz

As many people know The ROCK church has an wonderful ministry called Hand Up. We reach out to the community and offer a ride to church that includes breakfast, lunch, shower and clean change of cloths and if needed shoes. Well our fridge went out and I searched Craig's list for a new one CHEEP! Well I came across a man named Richard who not only picks up old appliances but is going to bring us a new one at no charge. I did not get his co. name but I will and I will be sure to tell everyone about it.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Wasps, bees, and other flying bugs OH MY!

Today I must conquer the stinging insects. It seems wasps have tried to take over the playground. I know...this is dangerous work but I think I can handle it. I once read an article that stated if you are being chased by bees you should run in a zig zag pattern(which I think is funny.) here's why. I was chased by wasps once when I was a kid and YOU CAN'T HELP BUT RUN IN A ZIG ZAG PATTERN! you can't see because you are running with your eyes shut and your arms flailing about to keep them off your face, Doing this will not guarantee you will not get stung however you will make some video for anyone watching. OH well here I go. I'll let you know what happens. They say if you plan an assault on wasps you should do it early in the morning.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well Well Well.....

I have been working on this different and new thing and God has done it a gain. I was working hard as usual when on a potty break I noticed some lights out in the ladies rm. Well I can fix that. New bulbs. when I noticed different light bulbs go into this fixture. See different and new for me. Any way I remembered seeing them in the closet SOOOOO.... I quickly retrieved them and replaced them and guess what..... That's right it still won't work, oh well I guess I'll have to change the ballast so OK where is the breaker for this light? I checked in the obvious place and , nope, not in there, so I get our trusty Office Administrator to come and tell me if the light goes out as I flick breaker after breaker off and on- nope! OK then I give up. I guess it will have to stay out for now.
As I am doing my rounds outside I notice the lighting guys are here again just as Carolyn had informed us in her blog. They were only too happy to help me with my dilemma And the first thing they stated after I explained the problem was ....ARE YOU SURE YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE BALLAST? Of course I stated then he asked me what is this switch for? pointing, (by the way it is one I had not seen earlier) Well yes that switch was for the light. And after replacing the old bulbs he turned it on and Ta-DA there was light. I was a blond in a former life.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Different and New

Good morning all. I realize sometimes my blog needs some help. One day I will get it right. I am having a brain overload. Here's whats happening.
  • Need to fill holes
  • need to change filters
  • only17 days until the kids are out of school for summer
  • Grand Daughter turning one
  • I am out of coffee at home, Having to stop at C.W.'s to get morning coffee. (it's O.K.)
  • Tony brought home some flowers , I get to plant. Ross will help.
  • Ross is back at school. Though he was Carolyn F's helper yesterday. She is so nice.
  • I am not getting many hits on my blog and have received only a couple comments. Speak up people.
Well that's all I got for now. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Create a Butterfly Garden - wikiHow

Create a Butterfly Garden - wikiHow


This is a production going on at The ROCK this weekend. I believe this will be an event to be seen. It will tell the story of creation with dance, music, lights and will get you thinking about all God did in the beginning. I can not even begin to describe what it will be like. The imaginations of the creative team has done it again. If you remember Imagine I can tell you Creation is better. Now one has to wonder- what could they possibly do to top it next year?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers Day!

I love Mothers Day. Mine started with a call to my daughter who is a Mom this year. This is Jocylyn Marie. She will be one year old May 25th. Ain't she precious. Cassius made me a tea light holder in kindergarten along with a beautiful card that says TWO MOM. Love the way he spelled two. My husband sent me flowers for the first time, three beautiful PINK ROSES. One for each of our three boys. We went to church as usual and then we went home and watched the Star Wars Trilogy. (the first three which are actually the last three that came out first. What a great day of rest and relaxation. Today it's back to the same old same old, scratch that... THE DIFFERENT & NEW. Lets see what we can make happen today!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


We must vote. As woman we have not had the privilege long. Woman need to vote. Men have had the majority for far too long and what we want is just as important. Please do not think this is a plug for Hillery. I think she is a strong woman but the plan for the gas tax holiday is not a very well thought out plan. A quick fix is not what we need. The problem is, this should have been focused on from the lesson that should have been learned in the 70's. Gas is not our only problem, we need universal health care, school improvements, better roads, and we need to take care of our country.
I will not say how I am voting but I will say my voice will be heard at the polls. Make and take time to vote.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


That is what people say while talking on the phone..."same old same old." Does that mean they are bored, content, or believe that is all there is. If every time someone says "same old same old" we say "DIFFERENT & NEW" and tell them something exciting(or at least exciting to you) we could get them thinking. God does not want us bored. He has given us plenty to do. So if you find yourself saying "same old same old" stop, think, and say something new and different. I have been caught in this trap for some time now but I will make a special point to find something New & Different!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Change is inevitable

As you know our church has been going through a transition, an awakening if you will. I have seen a lot of people go in the last couple of years and I have seen even more replace those who have left. I believe God is cleaning house. I believe we are headed to the next level. The lights and Paint are not what will get us there. It is The love of GOD that gets us there. As long as our Pastors keep their EYE'S on the Vision God has placed in them we should pick up and follow them. My Husband said it best when he told me " I trust my Pastor. I will continue to Follow them as long as what we do as a church aligns with the word. I will continue to tithe because I trust them and believe once I am faithful and I sow my seeds in fertile soil We will be blessed. What they do with it is between them and GOD. They are our leaders." Well Tony does not usually say a whole lot but that pretty much summed it up for me. I thank You God for providing me with a husband who is wise.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Love my JOB

This week has been a week of firsts. I had the daunting task of fixing the large door to the sanctuary. From the years of use and abuse the door closer finally broke lose. It pulled screws and all out of the top of the door so not only did I have to fix that but I had to think of a way to prevent it from happening again.
  • Wood putty, that will work NOT. I tried it let it sit 24 hours, replaced the hardware, closed the door and Ta-DA! it did NOT work:(
  • Back at the drawing board. Go to web site for door fixing, Yes there is one. Got instructions
  • Go to hardware store for supplies including a new drill bit for masonry. They did not have the size bit I needed but sent me to tools plus...They had it.
  • filled the hole with wood filler, not putty let sit another 24 hours.
  • to prevent this from happening again I surmised door stoppers might help by keeping the door closer from over extending thus putting less pressure on the screws and keeping everything in place.
  • After putting the wood filler in the hole I went ahead and placed the anchors in the wet filler so it could all become one unit. Imagine unity making it stronger.
  • Drilling concrete intimidated me a little. The gentleman at the store said to use this bit I would need at least 1000 rpm. I do not know how fast that is and do not have any way to tell if I am at 1000 so I give it a whirl.(whats the worst that could happen?)
  • Carpet is on the floor, should I drill through it or cut out a square? I opt to cut out a small square, easier said than done.
  • The carpet is permanently part of the floor soooooo after cutting the square and being unsuccessful at pulling it out through the carpet we go......NO Problem:)
  • Now all is back together and you can barely tell the door was ever busted yeah me:)
  • Long story I know but as I have always said....WITH GOD I CAN DO ANYTHING!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Now there is a giant hole in the top of one of the main doors in the sanctuary. I guess from over extending the door pull the wood finally gave way and the screws pulled out. It is not going to be easy to fix. I tried filling the hole with wood putty and then using anchors to hold the screws in but when I tried to close the door they did not hold. This has been a process. Now I have to try to cut a block of wood to fit the hole, glue it in then... start the process again. Lets see what happens.. stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lawn Mower!

Several points today
1. I love my lawn mower. It is a fully automatic with cruise control, that's right I said cruise control. It does very nicely. Ok if I lose my JOB I lose the mower...it belongs to them.
2.Today was the first day I have been able to use it. It was great. Oh today Point #
3. I found out I had someone read me. I am so excited. Maybe now PB will give me a link.
4.Today My cousin sent me a picture of her piggy bank after filling up her car with Gas, talk about scary.
5. No school this week that means I get to stay home with my children all day.(no not being sarcastic)...ok maybe a little. I love my boyz don't get me wrong but they will not get dressed to play outside unless I shut off all electrical games, dvd players, tv's you get the picture. When we were kids we always played outside- our parents had to beg us to come in even for dinner now-a-days you can't get them out. They claim there is nothing to do outside. There are plenty of things you can dig a hole to China, Hide and seek, tag, kick ball, the list go's on and on. We must as parents make them use their imagination or we will have a nation full of X-box zombies(personal opinion.)
6. I love my JOB. Working for my church gives me purpose. I feel like I am contributing to humanity. I am learning leadership skills. I am being stretched which is the only reason I started blogging because I thought I was being stretched in the wrong areas and that lets you know God knows best. He can take what looks like a bad situation and make it better. So I am growing closer to God every day I keep this Job. because I need him to be near me so I can do this every day. I focus on him and he supplies all my needs according to His will not my own. As long as I remain faithful to him he rewards me. Ain't He great!. Love ya all who read my babbling. Blog ya later.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Ok I know I am not a loser but I am having struggles with cigs. Why can I not let them go. perhaps I do not really want to, maybe I would have to let God Have too much control.

Friday, April 4, 2008

We're Off.

Today we have been blessed with a GET-A-WAY. I can not wait to see what God has in store for me. I have decided to quit smoking. This will be a great way to get er done I guess. I will need prayer and the patience God has been giving me over the past few months. This will be hard for me. I have been here before and it's not pretty. This time I will use God rather than a pill or patch. HELP!!!!. I have not even been one day and I am already losing it, NO i am not losing it I will win this battle. I am stronger than a cigarette{deep breaths} really I am.
Thank you God for all you are doing in my life. I love you and I am going to beat this thing with you I can do ALL THINGS.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

We are Lions

WOW! Who new. Dr. Monroe is the answer to my prayers. I have said all along we are headed for greatness for the Lord. Dr. Monroe has given us the tools to get us headed in the right direction. I was blessed to be an employee at the ROCK and given the opportunity to experience the great things God has given this man to teach us to become what God intended, GREAT LEADERS. The staff meeting with Dr. Monroe was a life changing opportunity I am blessed to have enjoyed. I have learned so much. I am forever changed. Thank You God and thank you to our Pastors for giving us something we can grow on. I love you all-PB,PA,PN and especially PR.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Ok, picture this... A box of light bulbs comes in, I open it and find...... You guessed it bubbles. They are such fun to pop soooooo I give some to Reagan and he is enjoying the popping sound as he steps on each bubble one at a time with his little two year old foot when all of the sudden here comes Megs, "BUBBLES!!!!!" she exclaims and proceeds to pop some of Reagan's so I offer her another piece of bubble wrap and lo and behold Lori comes in "I want the the bubbles!!!" and Her and Meagan ensue an altercation. Lorie's receipt gets wrinkled by now everyone wants a piece and everyone is laughing. Carolyn F. wants nothing to do with the whole thing and she hightails it out of the room. Funny? Yes. You have to imagine at this point because I have not become disciplined enough to bring my camera to work.......yet, but I will and when I do look out. More to come


I work with a very dynamic group of people. They always seem to know just what they are going to say and with such eloquence. Thank God for spell check. Any way I love these people. They love god and are not afraid to show it. I have a hard time coming out of my shell. It is safe in here. I find that when I do get brave enough to come out I tend to see my flaws. If I am forced to interact someone may see inside my world and I feel like I must protect. With these people I probably tell too much. My children are my main topic because they are my life, well them and my Husband. Don't get me wrong I am a Jesus Freak! If it weren't for him I would be stuck in a bar somewhere in Vermont every night after work like most of the people I knew and grew up with. I can not believe that is a way of life for some. anyway I am grateful for all of my team mates. I do like working in this atmosphere and it is challenging. It is also fun. I am starting to see how PB thinks(scary) and I am starting to see the humanity i have been looking for. He has such a heart for this church family and all the things that are going on will come to fruition when the time is right (Gods Time). This city will see the great and awesome wonders God Is doing here and will continue to do throughout this city using the ROCK as a part of the body of Christ.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Paint Anyone?

Well here I go again, Painting. Yes the paint matches. I can not tell you What I painted or where I painted. because it will give away the secret for Sunday. I can Only say the wall is painted and ready for Sunday. It is going to be something!!!. Way to go Pastor B. I am truly touched by this act of selflessness and appreciate the true compassion you displayed and I believe this is it. This is going to be the thing that makes people go HMMMM.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Hey I want to give a shout out to all the volunteers especially the ones who showed up not knowing we were having steak. Thats right STEAK. Cooked by Thad these 3/4 inch rib eyes were done to perfection. They were delicious. Any way back to the cu does for the eager volunteers who made this Beautification celebration a huge success. We had a fantastic time of fellowship while working in unity. Oh Yah the food was great or did I already mention that.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

No Rain Please

OK, it can not rain Saturday. according to the weather report it is supposed to be a really rainy day. I must say if it does decide to rain then we will have to reschedule the BEAUTIFICATION CELEBRATION for March 22ND. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE No rain until at least 3:00pm. Pray everyone!!!! We are going to have sooooo much fun OH did I forget to mention there will be food. See you Sat!!!!! Sat at the ROCK 9:00am till Noon. Food and drink provided for all who Volunteer for this day of fun food and fellowship. OK some work too.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Getting up late

Good morning everyone. Yes I over slept this morning. I do that at least once a week. Not that I am late but it messes up the whole morning. When I realize in my sleepy haze that it's actually 6:30 I know there is no way I can get thing one and thing two up and out in 15min, Mac is good he has a whole 20min. I used to literally drag them off of their beds walk them to the bathroom and physically dress them including washing faces and combing hair and telling them on the way to the bus stop "just get breakfast at school!" This as you can imagine is very traumatic for my children and me. I have decided if I get up late I can no longer punish them because of my tardiness. I will have to take them to school. No this is not pleasant either but at least My children had breakfast with me and I did not lose it because they were not being fast enough(because they are technically still asleep.)
God thank you for my new found patients and I am sure my kids thank you too. I guess I realized it is just not worth it to get so upset when your cheese gets moved. Let go and let God.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Another Climb

As you may all be aware I do not like heights. Monday I was informed one of my teammates would need help in the area of scaffolding. Lights in the sanctuary This time it's the stage lights. That was Monday today is Wednesday.
Thank the Lord Jesus for Jim and Carolyn. I do not know how this would have been completed. As I was lugging in the 400 pieces(exaggeration) of scaffold Jim had a break and offered help which I immediately accepted. He helped put it together stabilize and even changed bulbs with Carolyn. Who is Jim you say? He is an Angel sent by God for me. I only had to climb one time and that was because he needed a pair of pliers. Carolyn and Jim make an awesome team. As the scaffolding grew taller and taller stretching to the heavens I ( not even on the apparatus) am sweating profusely. I am not sure why it frightens me so But my mind always thinks the worst and I visualized them falling and all that may need to be done to help after. Sick I know. My stomach was in knots until they were down and safe on the ground again. After lunch we have to do some more. HELP!!!!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Fire Ants- Masters of relocation

Ok Now that the ladder has been mastered I have moved on to power equipment. Well Lets just say it has been a little scary. As You could imagine having never really been completely responsible for landscaping this will surely be trial and error. Mowing grass takes a special kind of person. It's Loud and dirty work. My hat is off to all who endure this back breaking occupation day after day to supply necesities for their families. I think I have bitten off a little more than I can chew. I am exausted and I only worked for about 1 hour. The fire ants are taking over and we are about to lose this war with nature. If it's not worring about the mess the geese will make it's the fire ants. They are relentless in their persute of family. They are more organized than any army and the ants put the geese to shame as far as ingenuity. To scare off the geese all we had to do was stratigecly place some fishing wire and make it uncomfortable for them to get in and out of the water. These ANTS, masters of relocation and architecture can move the entire clan in one evenig.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

With God Anything is possible

Yes I was on a 20ft ladder yesterday!! Why?you might ask, because the bulbs had to be changed. Thanks to some help from a local photographer, Matthew Ray, I was able to complete the task. This is part of a new trail God has me on. I'm never sure where we are going but I know in the end I'll be glad I went. Climbing a 20 Ft ladder is not my idea of fun and I want you to know I was terrified. Yes I know.. God says "fear Not. Well I have to say.. easier said than done. As I streached my eyes to the heavens to get a good look at the height, (actually becomming a little dizzy) With a deep breath I stepped on the towering rungs of terror when about half way up I realized i had forgotten the tool to bring down the actual bulb. Sweating profusly now i manage to climb back down to retrieve the 20 foot pole of suction so I will be able to retrieve the bulb from it's socket. Oh, did I forget to mention the bulb is atleast another 15 or so more feet from me and the ladder. This pole is not riged by any means infact it is very unstable, no I do not think it will actually bend in half but still quite wiggly. Any-way The task is not over, I still need to climb down, attach a new bulb to the suction cup climb back up and fanagle the bulb back into the socket wich after only three tries was this accomplished. Now dripping wet with sweat wet palms dry throat buckling knees and frazzled nerves. THE BULB IS IN.. now only 3 more to go.